The Big Question is:

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Controllers Sacrifice Opportunities - Again

Today Civil Air on behalf of Australia's Air Traffic Controllers ruled out industrial action prior to Christmas.

Despite the numerous certified shafting meetings delivering nothing but predicted frustrations, the controllers have chosen to do the right thing by the Australian public, again.

Controllers currently have the right to initiate a bargaining period and take legal industrial action within that bargaining period; but are doing the right thing again, despite remaining on the boards and consoles at work without a valid contract.

In 2001 controllers chose to delay industrial action due to the effects of September 11 on the industry and economy, and then subsequently delayed action again during the Ansett crisis which saw the destruction of that company.

This position was taken to assist the public and minimise the impacts that national ATC industrial action was likely to have.  The result of not taking action was an 18 month pay freeze and a conclusion which delivered a less than CPI rise.

In 2005 the controllers obtained a less than satisfactory outcome, as many unions did, to avoid the Howard workchoices reforms that would removed many options and power relating to industrial action and the ability to negotiate on an equal footing.

In 2008 there have been 15 formal negotiating meetings and from all reports we are no closer to an agreement than the first meeting.  Despite numerous attempts to get 'financials' so that modelling could occur, the net result has been:

Trust us, it costs an "Arm and a Leg".

We hate to say it, but as predicted by the shafters, all the fluffy promises have delivered less than a CPI offer again, and to get that the employer wants to take conditions of employment easily argued to be more than the value of increase on offer, generous, NOT!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Secret Squirrel

It appears that there is a round table discussion to occur before the minister tomorrow.

Sources close to "the shafters" confirm that the rumours published on 'crikey' indeed do have legs; perhaps that's what we meant about 'black shirts' on Wednesday in our last post.

We have checked with parties from both sides of the 'summoning' before Big Tony; sources from both sides confirm that there is a meeting.  

As for the agenda, well it's not exactly about crushing the union as suggested in the rumour.  But it is about the CA and whether a way forward can be achieved.  Of course there may be more in the rumour than is being publicly stated by both parties (well at least by our contacts).

We understand that the great TFN will be on duty before the minister along with some VPs and the Exec Sec.

We hope that discussions are real and fruitful; but you won't mind if we don't hold our breath will you?

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Ya can't make this shit up

In recent days with much "fan fare" we have seen the employer Airshambles Australia 'launch' a new community service (why?)


Note: Due to the large amount of interest in the Airservices Australia WebTrak service, you may expereince difficulties in accessing this service. If you experience problems, please try again at a later time.

WebTrak is an innovative system providing the community with information on where and how high aircraft fly, as well as noise levels of these operations.

It allows members of the public access to detailed information on aircraft operations around major airports.

WebTrak is part of the largest integrated Noise and Flight Path Monitoring System in the world.

How does it work? 

WebTrak uses information from air traffic control secondary surveillance radars to monitor aircraft:

  • within 55 km of the airport
  • up to a height of 3000m above ground level

Aircraft noise data is downloaded daily from noise monitors strategically located about the communities close to the airport.

The information is then displayed on a detailed map (road or aerial) which enables the user to zoom down to their street level.

In Current Flights mode you can view current operations (delayed by 40 minutes for aviation security reasons) around the airport.

In Replay Mode you can access flight information and noise data for the previous two weeks.

Contact details

To provide comments, lodge a noise complaint or request additional information please use the contacts below:

Online form 
Phone: 1800 802 584 

Liability and Copyright
We have made every reasonable effort to ensure the information presented is accurate. However, the data within WebTrak may still contain inaccuracies in some cases. It should not be relied upon when making personal, legal or financial decisions.

Noise data may not be available due to problems with the telecommunications network or maintenance works on the monitor. In such cases, try again in 24 hours time or contact the Noise Enquiry Unit.

In extreme cases some track deviations can occur at low altitudes due to radar reflections, which gives the impression of an aircraft deviating off the runway.

WebTrak is provided for personal and non-commercial use.  Users may not modify, copy, distribute or reproduce in any form the data obtained from WebTrak.  All maps used by WebTrak are copyright.

This service cost around $20M to install, god knows what the ongoing wages and maintenance costs will be, (read not cheap folks).  Another over promise and under delivery, right there for the public to read before they even get to look at the product.  Is this supposed to reduce or increase complaints about noise? 

So what does Joe Public get for their $20M investment, sweet FA we'd say.

When you agree to terms and conditions, follow the link above, you get to see (sic) arrivals and departures within 30NM of an aerodrome as long as they are under 3000 meters above the ground. we figure it's filtered out above 10,000 feet for those reading with an aviation background.

Does it pick up all movements, well apparently not, we have observed this in action for a while now, the peak periods have only one or two departures every 10 minutes.  The "picture" is 20 mins delayed. The interaction with the details promised like callsigns and aircraft types works pathetically (or not at all).

This is your tax dollars at work.  The $$$ otherwise returned to staff in terms of higher wages or to the government in terms of more profit dividends are wasted by an administration eager to have another machine that goes 'ping'.  All this approved spending in the same period as saying that any proposed cost for improving conditions of employment are at an 'arm and a leg' cost basis.

We here at "the shafters" have a very interesting rumour about the week ahead, particularly Wednesday (we hope you wear your Black Shirts); let's hope something positive comes out of it, unfortunately we suspect that by the end of the week, we'll be writing again to confirm that 'we told you so' again.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Long time no see?

You may have noticed that we've been quiet for a while; we were requested by a member of the CANG (via email) to "lay off" and not to interfere with the proceedings; or not to provide fodder/evidence for the AIRC; we have primarily stuck to that request, but cannot remain silent.

Yesterday marked the final negotiating meeting for the "2008 Certified Shafting" in 2008. We presume this makes it a "2009 Certified Shafting" process after all.

As predicted by us back in April, nothing above CPI has been conceded by our wonderful employer and to get that we need to surrender conditions of employment that the employer cannot be trusted to administer in a fair and reasonable manner.  

They have form, none of it good!

Airshambles has hitched their wagon to the latest 'sky is falling' crisis that has come along; this time the financial credit crunch and reduced airline growth (note not reductions just slowing growth) is to blame, last time it was the crushing impacts of fuel increases and reducing airline industry figures produced by IATA combined with the Howard workchoices implementation dates.; the time before that it was the collapse of Ansett and post Sept 11 aviation market reductions.

Can we as a collective catch a break?

Well since 2001 we have observed massive growth in movements of bigger and bigger aircraft, providing now huge revenues with ever decreasing wages. We have seen or 'customers' produce record after record profits all the while playing the 'sky is falling' card.

Airshambles Australia is offering you in "real terms" a reduction of between 8 and 17 %, depending on the value of the conditions of employment they want you to surrender, some say much more.  Airshambles claims that they have provided a fair and reasonable offer.

We have seen more and more ATCs depart for other paddocks or simply removing their shingle from the stoop and running away to another locations; we have seen more than ever the reliance on overtime, and the few of us that remain on the boards under more pressure than ever; particularly when 'required' to attend for additional duty, or at least made to feel that way.

The supply and demand argument is definitely in our favour; bugger the 'frame work arguments' because they principles contained within that document are being selectively chosen or selectively ignored.

We note that a deal is not likely now until well into the new year.

That the wagons are being circled on both sides and an industrial battle looks more likely than not.

That the promises by TFN for "a better way" have probably resulted in the most hostile negotiations in recent memory.  

We hate to say it, but WE TOLD YOU SO.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


We here at the shafters would like to wish all the best to the greatest HR advisor that our once proud company has ever seen.

The "King of Bling", "KOB", "Jolly Jumper", "Jolly Jumbuck", "the bloke I wouldn't piss on if he was one fire", otherwise known as Gary, has left the building. 

Gary, our long time fan, we hope you had the time of your life.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Relax Staffing Crisis Over

Cameron Creedy - The ORRRRSTRALIAN

39 August 2008

The flying public should now have every confidence that the Orrrrstralian aviation environment will run efficiently from early tomorrow. True to his word the CEO of Airshambles (Grog Rustler) announced today that the alleged ATC staffing crisis had been officially resolved.

"Yes we have had 25 closures / disruptions after August 31, hence the move to extend August just once; because I'd previously committed to no crisis after August."

"Look we had our troubles, we were left in a horrible position by the previous management." Mr Rustler said, "I came to this business, and like any new CEO, had to make my mark, so I reduced the decentralisation of the core activities, this made us much more efficient."  

"The most difficult task we had was convincing the modern world to amend their calendars in a one off adjustment, we were pleasantly surprised with the support we got from the Ministry of funny walks, but now we can officially welcome September with gusto."

Rustler said, "Some people said I just sacked people and made the others we kept work harder, it's not the way it happened, I gave people generous resignation and retirement benefits and diluted those often duplicated duties amongst the remaining workforce."

"Sure it would appear that it was a dud decision, and that's who I'm blaming next." Mr Rustler said. "Hindsight is always wonderful in hindsight, we didn't know that our staff were telling us the truth when they said it was a stupid decision and wouldn't work."

To appease the workers, in 2006-7 Airshambles hired almost 20% more staff than they had previously enabled to explore other options, but these were mostly in clerical roles, which is now running more efficiently than ever.

"We had to take this business in a new direction, we have, now it's completely on course." Mr Rustler said, "Look you have to understand that the future of the business is looking very bright, some may say the only way is up, I don't feel that way, if we play our cards right during contract negotiations we can get much lower than this."

Meanwhile Mr Rickturd Dooright, Airshambles PR chief stated, "Those saying this company is a bad place to work need to realise that it's a big bad world out there, what skills can our employees sell on the open market, they are trapped and we know it and they need to know it too."

"Our staff just complain, but they don't go anywhere, this tells us that deep down, we have them by the balls, or they would have left long ago.  Sure some have jumped off the lifeboat, but look where they are headed, to high cost of living environments, they'll need to double their pay to survive."

"Our intention is to pay market rates, and we own this market so we determine the rate." said Mr Dooright.

Meanwhile the staffing unions that represent the workers, Filtered Air and CUPS, said that the management have got it wrong.

Mr Minsick, a Vice President at Filtered Air, said that "Airshambles was flogging themselves, these Johnny come lately management types aren't realistic, it starts at the top and works it's way down like a very vicious cancer, each stupid idea must be trumped by a stupider idea."

"What we don't see is the Board even appearing to care, at least they could pretend to care" said Mr Minsick, "we expect the controllers to turn on each other, or us their union, before they stand up to the hollow men from the Bullshit Castle."

"Rumours of people leaving in droves are highly over exaggerated." Mr Rustler said today.  "I have fully briefed the minister Mr Lemoneasy, I have his full backing, he understands it's not my fault."

When questioned about 15 trainees employed earlier this month, 4 months prior to their training commecning Mr Rustler simply stated, "I reject the allegations that we are hiding or wasting anything, we had no plans to train everyone at once, we planned to employ 80 trainees this year, we are planning on doing that, we are right on course. At no time did we state we would graduate 80 trainees out of the college this year, hell we didn't even say we'd train 80 people, we are just taking 80 trainees."

"We plan to take 100 trainees next year" Mr Rustler said, "We don't think that anyone expects that it means 100 graduates, or even 100 controllers in training, it means 100 trainees , training or not, and nothing more".

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


As it appears to have slipped the Airservices Australia management team’s observation, or quite possibly it was noticed but remains deliberately unreported, Certified Shafting would like to make the following major announcement.

May 2008 was the single busiest month in Australia’s air traffic control history*.

The 303,112 movements nationwide smashed the previous high of 294,712 set more than seven years ago in March 2001. This figure is an extraordinary affirmation of the professionalism and dedication of the nation’s air traffic controllers, who have achieved this amazing feat under the cloud of constant and oppressive managerial attacks, critical short staffing and the lowest levels of morale in the company’s history.

Our sincerest congratulations to the devoted men and women who dedicate their lives to keeping Australia’s airways safe.


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Boo Hoo - Sookie sookie la la

We here at certified shafting get lots of information from time to time; some of this information is 'gold', some is unrepeatable, some is made up and scurrilous, some is just damn funny.

We understand that at last weeks National Executive meeting there was broad and robust discussions about the treatment ALMs are getting from the rank and file membership of Civil Air.

The ATSM Divisional rep, doing his job, representing his members, reported about commentary he had received from ALMs.  Apparently the collective ALM group is pissed off and annoyed at the way the rank and file members lambaste (bag, rubbish, admonish, castigate, chastise, chide, rebuke, reprimand) them particularly in an anonymous fashion on the various forums, but particularly so on the unions forum.



The poor little "cherubs" who failed to follow, our advice, the unions advice and has generally individualised themselves away from the collective by signing an AWA.   Now they are annoyed that the individuals who potentially have been shafted by these ALMs and the decisions they took to remove themselves from the collective are having a go at them.  

BOO HOO! Grow up.  

You had a choice, whatever your individual justification, you deserve what you get, you made your choice.  You are now a manager, you are on your own AWA.  For those who attempt to justify you had no choice, well you were wrong, you just couldn’t stomach the other options, go cry to your mum, not your union.

For the ALMs (and other senior roles) who held strong and didn’t sign an individual contract (AWA) good on you, we hope the stench flowing towards your ‘colleagues’ doesn’t stick to you too.

Project SHHHHH!,25197,24248226-31477,00.html

Traffic controller merger plan stalls

Cameron Stewart | August 27, 2008 

AN ambitious plan to save taxpayers more than $300million by ending the wasteful separation of the nation's civil and military air traffic management systems has stalled.

$300million, wow what a headline.  Where is this money coming from?  Facilities management, reduced wages, location costs?  Or is it a total furphy?  

Defence has backed away from any rapid implementation of the plan to create a unified national system, declaring it wants to move only at "a measured pace, cognisant of the requirements to maintain Defence capability". 

Defence doesn’t trust Airshambles to deliver, they think putting the fox in charge of the hen house is a silly idea; they like their hens.

This is despite Defence claims, made in a 2002 document signed by the current Australian Defence Force chief Angus Houston, that "Australia simply cannot justify, sustain or afford to continue operating two almost identical Air Traffic Management systems". 

Afterwards they wised up, will Airshambles provide ‘critical’ military airspace services when there’s commercial revenue to be chased; what faith has airservices demonstrated where they currently provide a service to military airspace, the Richmond RAAF base is provided an approach service by the civil controllers in the Sydney TMA.

The Defence go-slow has angered civil air traffic control manager Airservices Australia, which wants to push ahead with the unification plan, arguing it would produce savings of more than $300 million. 

They can’t understand why the RAAF is restricting their plans to save their own staffing crisis. 

Airservices spokesman Richard Dudley told The Australian: "Airservices and Defence have both been discussing an improved, national air traffic management system for a decade, but Defence concerns over loss of its own 'capability', difficulties with funding models and no real incentives for change have precluded real progress. 

The RAAF are right to be concerned, Airshambles can’t get it’s own house in order, why would you give them more control? What “guarantees” would there be about service provision?

"The existence of two independent air traffic control and airspace management systems driven by different objectives, priorities and cultures hampers the delivery of a better product for Australia. Improving the inter-operability has the potential to produce savings in the order of $300 million plus." 

There’s that figure again.  We don’t believe that figure is a ‘true cost’ at all.  Think about the numbers, 258 controllers in the RAAF.  Cost = $300,000 each (way too much) total  $77.4M; so are we saying the RAAF spends over $223.5M on their system and facilities?

If so giving them TAAATS consoles and sharing development costs would be much more efficient than merging the organisations. ADATS (the system used by the RAAF) is no doubt expensive to buy and maintain and change, but it was a ‘customised’ product for RAAF use, do they need it, probably not, but will TAAATS give them what they want, definitely not.

No wait, NEWS FLASH, the $300M is not ‘annualised’; it’s a total.  Over how long?  25 years? 10 years? 

Australia developed separate civil and military air traffic management systems because it was considered necessary to meet the separate specific requirements of civil and military flying. 

Well not quite, all military forces had or have had their own controlling workforce, there are not too many in the world who do not.  

Primarily because the substantive differences in deployment and defence capabilities; but also there are substantive differences in ‘dealing’ with military operations, that civil controllers do get involved with occasionally, but very rarely.

A 2002 study, obtained by The Australian, found that having separate systems was no longer essential and that the duplication was a waste of taxpayers' money. 

No doubt the duplication wastes costs in terms of systems and facilities, but essentially the ‘body cost’ is identical.  The RAAF is right to not trust Airshambles to deliver the ‘right bodies’ for their needs; they can’t delivery enough bodies for it’s own needs. 

In 2005, the Air Force and Airservices set up a program called Genesis to integrate military air traffic control into the civil system. 

They have transferred the PEARCE RAAF TCU to TAAATS and the Perth Terminal Unit, but the ‘blue shirts’ still have their blue shirts. They are just co-located; but still very separate units.

Defence now says Genesis failed to deliver viable reforms and although it remains committed in theory to a unified national system, major obstacles remain. It is understood to believe that integration proposals have not paid sufficient attention to its need to have tactical and strategic air traffic control in a time of crisis.

Whose crisis?  Airshambles would love to deploy the remaining RAAF controllers where it needs them, you could immediately see RAAF deployment/capability/services significantly reduced as the ‘free’ controllers (cross paid by the RAAF) would get them out of the huge staffing hole that Airshambles has manufactured.  

What is Airshambles ‘urgent’ motivation for fast tracking Genesis; it’s not about saving the tax payer or the government money you can bet your last cent on that.

Maybe they are more concerned about having to spend serious money to provide a 'Civil' facility at Williamtown (Newcastle) because CASA has told them to provide the service there outside RAAF hours, and the RAAF have said not using our kit (national security etc.) or staff (they are ours) you don't. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Focus on Training

Training crisis for air traffic controllers

Paul Bibby August 26, 2008

THEY were recruited to address Australia's critical shortage of air traffic controllers, but the latest crop of trainees at the Airservices Australia learning academy are effectively twiddling their thumbs because there are not enough instructors to teach them, academy sources and the air traffic controllers union say.

Classic, this is a classic case of WE TOLD YOU SO!  Idiots, 80 trainees a year, hell 100, why not.  And pay them to sit on their arses watching the Olympics and surfing the internet, don’t pay them to train as controllers.  ATC Awareness courses for Air Traffic Control trainees, Classic!

Airservices Australia has repeatedly claimed it is addressing the shortage - which is resulting in large areas of air space going unmonitored each day - by dramatically increasing the number of new recruits each year.

I guess you can increase them all you like at this rate, hell why not recruit 500 controller trainees, that way you can say you are replacing all the retirements and all the bastards leaving for jobs overseas.

But a staff member from the Melbourne academy says the latest intake of around 15 trainees have been given jobs running an air-traffic simulator program and told their training will not begin for three months because there are not enough instructors.

But the Learning Academy is state of the art, it’s been restructured, twice, in the current CEOs tenure, to be flexible and cope with the demands of the modern world.  One Manager received the coveted “Australia Day Award” for his role in that process.  He’s now left the organisation, of course.

"The simulator program requires people to act as pilots while others learn how to be controllers; they're called simulator service operators and Airservices already employs people to do that," the staff member said.

"But because there are no instructors, that's what the latest group are being told to do all day. There is virtually no benefit other than to learn a bit about what it's like to be a pilot."

Any delay in the training of the recruits would be significant given the safety problems created by the air traffic controllers shortage.

This is as good as Al Gore’s “Inconvenient Truth”, we can’t train them, so why employ them?  180 trainees recruited between 2008 and 2009, how many controllers will that be by mid 2010?  NONE! Idiots.  How many by 2011?  At this rate, NONE!   - THERE IS A HUGE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A CONTROLLER AND A TRAINEE OR RECRUIT (EVEN WHEN YOU TRAIN THEM).

Large sections of air space go unmonitored almost every day and there have been a number of highly publicised mid-air near-misses, which some in the industry have blamed on the shortage.

The Civil Aviation Safety Authority recently stepped in to limit the number of passenger jets allowed to fly through the uncontrolled zones.

Then they denied doing that?

Airservices says it has increased the intake of new recruits from 48 last year to 80 this year and 100 in 2009.

But isn’t that the point of this story, 80 people doing what?  Training or being paid as trainees, there’s a big difference.  What is BIG TONY doing with this latest INFO, oh that’s right, Mr “Head in the Sand”, or Ostrich, is doing nothing?

It strongly denied there was any shortage of instructors and said trainees spent more than 70 per cent of the course in the simulator where they developed practical skills. It did not specify what role they took in the program.

What course time, they don’t start one until Feb 2009, yet they are already employed, it’s a fraud.

"There is no setback of any training duration due to instructor shortages," its statement said.

"All current courses are running according to the planned schedule."

WTF?  You know they are lying right?

Trainees at the college have been asked to sign confidentiality agreements which prevent them from speaking to the media.

As have all Airshambles employees.

But the executive secretary of the controllers union, Peter McGuane, said the learning academy had been allowed to run down, and that having trainees working as simulator service officers breached Airservices' own manual of standards.

"The manual says training courses must use … instructors or training officers with current expertise and identified qualifications appropriate to achieving the goals of the course," Mr McGuane said.

The MOS says a lot of things, not many of them are enforced. CASA?

"These trainees aren't being supervised at all. They've created this situation for themselves by not hiring replacement instructors and not bringing in extra instructors to cope with the new intake - they're repeating the same mistakes they made with the controllers."

Well they may as well play amongst themselves, there is only so many hours one can spend on the internet you know.

Airservices said it had a rotation plan that allowed instructors to swap between the academy and the country's control centres.

Now that’s funny!  How many current controllers are instructing at the college?

"Airservices has spent over $17 million on the academy in the past year," its statement said.

But what does that mean?  Facilities, wages, trainees, SSOs, electricity, heating, water, text books, computers, new machines that go PING?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Another dud headline on a reasonable story.

Militants in air traffic control towers

Cameron Stewart | August 18, 2008

IT would be a nightmare for Christmas holidaymakers: an industrial brawl that grounds planes across the country over the festive season.

This is the spectre that looms for travellers as tensions escalate between air traffic controllers and their government-owned employer, Airservices Australia.

"I think we all know what's coming," one angry veteran air traffic controller from Melbourne wrote in an online forum to colleagues this month.

"It's time for all the older heads to start preparing our younger colleagues for December. Come December, you (ASA chief executive Greg Russell) will pay mate! A bloke can only take so many insults, especially when they are lies."

These militant views are not the stated position of the air traffic controllers' union, Civil Air, which promises that it will try to avoid industrial action. But they are reflective of deep passions being stirred by one of Australia's most unusual and dangerous disputes.

But Cameron, you know that the agreement expires on December 21, you also know that Civil Air is not talking about any action at this stage.  As a conservative union it is highly likely that they will dot every i and cross every t when it comes to following the appropriate laws surrounding industrial action.  This means that the earliest they could take action is well after Christmas; do you think they will target the public in such a way?

It is an issue which, if mismanaged over the coming months, has the potential to grind the country to a halt in a manner not seen since the 1989 pilots dispute in which the Hawke Labor government brought in the defence force.

Only if mismanaged on both sides.  Nobody wants for the industrial action to become industrial war. Well maybe Greg does.

Put simply, Australia's 900 or so air traffic controllers are fed up with what they see as institutional neglect of their profession over many years.

900 or so, well wrong.  There are 753 operational controllers, the others counted against the ‘numbers’ are managers who no longer control, or people on long term sick leave or on leave without pay (in other jobs elsewhere). Whatever the number, there has been clear and deliberate degrading of our profession.  They consider us to be glorified traffic cops, or similar skills to ‘data entry’ IT operators, maybe ‘call centre drones’.

They accuse ASA of chronic mismanagement, resulting in serious staff shortages, repeated demands for overtime and pay scales which have lagged behind their overseas counterparts.

"The simple fact is that the system has been unsustainable for some time," says Civil Air president Robert Mason.

The safety of the flying public is also at stake: a shortage of controllers has frequently left large chunks of Australian sky without supervision for hours on end, leaving pilots to fend for themselves to avoid mid-air collisions.

Now we are starting to get it.  TIBA is a direct result of staffing levels not abuse of sick-leave or the refusal of overtime. One group has 17 staff, and ‘requires’ almost 50 overtime shifts a month, before anyone calls in sick to meet ‘minimum staffing’.

But ASA chief Russell says the controllers themselves are part of the problem, accusing a small group of deliberately leaving the skies unmanned in order to strengthen their hand in forthcoming wage negotiations.

"It is no coincidence that these interruptions have been occurring in a time we are in a certified agreement negotiation," he tells The Australian.

"The union tells me they are not involved but I do think there are a small number of renegade controllers who are using these sorts of tactics to disrupt Australia's aviation system."

Greg, you are obviously a victim here too, you have believed what the middle management stooges have been selling you.  You want to take on the unions, but have you got the right information?  Surely you’re not stupid, you must see what you’re selling is rancid.

The issue has come to a head because ASA is now negotiating a new three-year collective agreement with Civil Air to take effect once the current agreement expires in December.

But there is a deadly sting in these discussions which has implications for all Australians. Civil Air, in its so-called vision statement for the new agreement is calling for total pay rises for air traffic controllers of between 32 and 63 per cent over the next three years.

Hardly a ‘deadly sting’.  The informal pay claim is large, but inline with the global market.  When Geoff Dixon gets a multi-million dollar salary it’s market forces, when the controllers ask that those forces apply to them they are considered greedy and unrealistic, why? The 63% applies to the training wage, we are sick of getting people straight from high school, how about a bit of maturity and life skills.

This would see the wage of senior air traffic controllers rise from $145,367 to $175,000 from January, and rising to $193,214 in 2011: a 33 per cent rise.

And yet will still be less than controller wages in Ireland, England, Germany, Spain, Holland, Italy, Hong Kong, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Dubai, Muscat, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Mexico; all of whom have vacancies, some of those have significantly larger salaries and tax free or much less tax than Oz.

Civil Air says these large rises are justified because they bring pay scales into line with overseas controllers and are the only way to attract and retain enough air traffic controllers in Australia into the future.

The numbers are real, despite taking 100 trainees a year, (even though they have little hope of coping with that many), retirements and early resignations will exceed that number; we have a significant ‘age profile’ issue.  If we do nothing to retain staff, stop early retirements and departures to other employers there will be much more problems in 5 years than we have now.  

Then consider growth, there is no evidence of new facilities in these plans.  Parallel Runways at Brisbane and Melbourne, new airport towers at current unmanned locations etc will add significant pressure to the ‘numbers’.

But they will be unacceptable to the Rudd Government because of the precedence such large rises would create and the pressure they would put on its inflation strategy.

Yes, the ‘precedent’ would be set for all the other air traffic controllers otherwise employed in the civil world outside Airservices and residing in Australia.  Yes NONE, what inflationary effect will 0.0001 of the national workforce getting less than double "real CPI" have?

They will also be fiercely resisted by airlines which are already reeling from record fuel prices. The airlines pay the salaries of the controllers via ASA which is government-owned but industry-funded.

What are the true costs of the claim, we have had good advice that the total extra claim in the vision equates to almost $30M.  This works out to be 75 cents per passenger seat sold in Australia.  It could also be fully costed against the ASA annual profit, some $104M last year.  Both these options would have little effect on the viability of the airlines or contribute significantly to their costs.

Yet Civil Air is a union full of angry members who genuinely feel that they have been mistreated for too long. It is in no mood to back down, setting the scene for an industrial showdown with national ramifications.

Too right, controllers are really pissed off that their employer treats them like shit, totally unappreciated, totally as a detriment to their efficient business, a cost not an asset.  They are equally aggrieved that their employer pays lip service to safety and has ‘restructured’ the business to an inefficient, inflexible, over managed beast that has lost site of it’s core business, to provide the best damn air traffic service we can.  

They are also pissed off that their employer doesn’t recognise traffic growth when working out productivity.  Controllers even when fully staffed (which is rare) are working harder than ever before and the out of touch managers only see productivity when controllers trade off their conditions of employment to squeeze more blood from the stone as the only way to measure it.

Then there are the AWOTE arguments, controllers get a fair wage by Australian Standards, but by Air Traffic Controller standards we are becoming a laughing stock.  Controllers wages have reduce against AWOTE (community growth) by some 15% over the last 10 years.

So how did it come to this? The seeds of the problem were sown years ago by Airservices and by proxy, the Howard government.

Set up 13 years ago to manage Australia's air traffic control system and provide airports services such as aviation rescue and fire fighting, ASA employs about 3000 people, including about 900 air traffic controllers.

There’s that 900 number again.

But over the past eight years, management deficiencies have emerged. In the early 2000s the organisation inexplicably failed to foresee the need to sharply lift its intake of controllers in the face of a worldwide shortage, an ageing workforce and more airline traffic.

It’s failure was a deliberate act; they ‘banked’ on new technology reducing the controller positions at a greater rate than the retirement forecast.  What they missed was the ‘delays’ to technology implementation, people leaving for OS and people retiring earlier than the nominal average.  They didn’t react to the technology delays. They didn’t react to earlier retirements and they certainly haven’t reacted to OS departures. They couldn't admit that the union knew more about their business than they did.

"I was surprised by how much needed to be done," says Russell who took over as CEO in mid-2005. "There was a lack of planning for the future, the place had become distracted from its primary mission."

What is the primary mission Greg?  Selling stuff in Malaysia and Indonesia, manning towers in the pacific, consulting in the Middle East?

Transport Minister Anthony Albanese is also unusually blunt about the dysfunction within ASA which his Government has inherited.

"It is pretty clear that for a long period of time the ball was dropped," he tells The Australian. "The issue of skills in the aviation industry was on autopilot."

So what are you minister going to do about it?  Review things?  Or simply leave them on course to a disaster?  The paper BS is just that, nothing of substance will come from it with any speed.

Russell admits that in his first year as CEO he did not give immediate priority to recruiting more controllers, because he says he was busy trying to restructure a "dysfunctional" organisation.

'I don't think we fully understood the air traffic implications until later in 2006 and that's when we said 'let's fast track people'."

BULLSHIT!  Greg you were given promises by your lower sycophant managers that haven’t been delivered, you “moved on” anyone that questions the substance of the plans or the financial benefits of the plans.  In 2006 you realised that we weren’t going to have 70 people doing what 100 used to do and the wheels began falling off; you had no choice but to up the intakes.

The ALM and SDE restructures have reduced the operational efficiency of the business when it could be least afforded. You were given direct advice that it’s a bad idea, you don’t like your ideas being criticised, you said “damn the torpedo’s ramming speed”.


Russell has recently more than doubled planned recruitment numbers to between 80 and 100 trainees a year for the next five years, but it will not help solve the present shortage because of the lag-time of at least a year for recruits to become fully qualified.

Cameron, shame on you, no mention of their ability to train so many people.  No mention of the trainees employed in August and won’t start "real" training until January?  They’re “on the books” so they are part of the solution, right? Did someone say 'corporate fraud' and saving face?
Did anyone pay attention during the mandatory corporate governance training; how many people have reported this fraud?

As a result, both Civil Air and ASA admit there is a national shortage of controllers, although they differ on how critical this shortage is.

ASA says it has 876 controllers and is only 17 controllers short of its full complement, but Civil Air says the shortage is more like 100 because it says ASA is including managers who are qualified controllers but who, after a management restructure last year, no longer work on the consoles.

There are 753 operational controllers and a need for 807.  There are an additional 48 controllers required for training and other specialist roles that are currently vacant. They hope to reduce this number to 700 through cutting out 'archaic rules' relating to CASA regulations and worlds best practice.

Civil Air says that since June 2002 the number of air traffic controllers has fallen by 20.6 per cent while monthly aircraft movements have jumped by 25.2 per cent.

Did anyone say ‘productivity increase’? Did anyone say working much harder and under more pressure?

Either way, all parties agree that there are not enough controllers to manage the skies and the dangerous outcome is that large chunks of skies are being left unsupervised for hours at a time, a situation which pilots have likened to that of Third World African nations.

But Russell is constantly dismissing the impact of this by blaming, militants and renegades and a few people to strengthen their industrial claim.

The surge in the incidence of uncontrolled airspace - which rose by one-third between May and June alone - has put enormous pressure on ASA, embarrassed the Government and angered the Civil Aviation Safety Authority.

It has also infuriated airlines which try to avoid sending their planes though uncontrolled airspace for safety reasons, causing delays, cancellations and costly diversions.

Virgin Blue chief executive Brett Godfrey has blasted ASA's management, saying the air traffic control system should not collapse just because a few people call in sick.

Godfrey is right, Sick Leave at traditional levels should not ‘cripple’ your business, even if there is a ‘spike’ which there isn’t.

CASA is also frustrated by the safety risks involved in having uncontrolled airspace. Last month, CASA boss Bruce Byron warned ASA to quickly get its house in order.

ASA knows this embarrassing situation is playing into Civil Air's hands at a time when negotiations for a new collective agreement have begun.

If Airservices was fair dinkum they would present a modest, but above average pay-rise, without wanting to denigrate further the working conditions of the controllers.  They haven’t, they won’t and they will attempt to resolve staffing crisis by making the controllers ‘more productive’ ie work them harder, thus reducing the numbers of controllers required.

Russell also smells a rat and believes that a small but militant number of controllers are trying to strengthen their negotiating position by throwing sickies and refusing to work overtime in order to close the skies and highlight staff shortages.

Russell is loose with the truth, he thinks that blaming others will remove the focus on his lack of stewardship and incompetence.  At this point in time, the only people believing Russell’s SPIN are his sycophant managers who are trawling through statistics (and manipulating them) to find links to ‘bastardry’, not to mismanagement.

The union strongly denies it is running any such campaign, but there is anecdotal evidence that some controllers are refusing to make themselves available to replace colleagues when they call in sick.

But what is the reason, because they have had enough, are sick of working OT because they work unreasonable hours, have stopped believing the ‘we’ll fix the crisis’ messages due to inaction.  Is it that the industrial issue is simply a coincidence to the greater issues.  Russell is choosing to link the events, he does so at great risk.

Last Friday, a wide area of airspace between Brisbane and Cairns was left uncontrolled between midnight and 5.30am after one controller called in sick. ASA says six other controllers declined to cover the shift while another four were uncontactable.

The big point here is 1 controller called in sick and airspace closed, did you mention mismanagement?  The statistics about controllers being ‘unavailable’ is a side show.  See this blog here for an explanation about why controllers wouldn’t come in to work a ‘doggo’; it destroys your plans, it destroys your recovery and the likelihood if they are calling you, you can expect to be at the console all night without a break, where do I sign right?

To support its claims of industrial blackmail, ASA has drawn up graphs showing that there was a similar, though much smaller, spike in uncontrolled airspace in late 2005 when the existing collective agreement was being negotiated.

We have seen those graphs too, see our editing here.

Civil Air disputes the allegations, saying the vast majority of controllers are exhausted and overworked by a system that is falling to pieces.

If Airshambles were serious about attracting staff on overtime, then surely they would simply pay more for overtime?  What about paying more for anyone exceeding a certain threshold a month, say 10 hours.  The first 10 hours normal OT rate, exceed that we’ll give you 0.7 more an hour. etc.  Their only solution appears to be, embarrass them for not coming in.

"I think there will undoubtedly be one or two (controllers) around the tracks who are not playing the game properly," says union chief Mason.

"the vast majority of controllers are exhausted and overworked by a system that is falling to pieces."

"But airspace closures are occurring because Airservices has allowed staff numbers to reduce to inadequate levels despite years of warnings from Civil Air.

"An extremely high level of overtime by Civil Air members has been required over the past two years to sustain service levels and the overtime is now unsustainable as there are too few controllers remaining to manage growing traffic levels."

Albanese is suspicious about the correlation between disruptions to air traffic control services and industrial negotiations, but he still believes that ASA carries more blame than do the controllers.

At last a sign from BIG TONY that there maybe something wrong in the AWB.

"I think the blame for disruption lies squarely at the failure to have long-term planning, not with the controllers themselves," he says.

Huzzah, there you have it.  Single staffing, teams, non core rostering all things exploited beyond a joke.

ASA's allegations have further fuelled the anger of many controllers who are offended by claims that they would make the skies less safe in order to secure greater pay rises.

In this toxic atmosphere and with little sign of flexibility or concession from either side, both Civil Air and ASA will next month try to thrash out their differences in a planned series of intense negotiating sessions.

"I don't hold any great hopes,' Mason says.

Wait until the ASA offer is tabled.  Many folk talk of the 32% as the line in the sand; but it’s the conditions which hold equal importance to most, not the cold hard cash alone.  But the progression so far is trending to worse working conditions for a less than CPI offer, why are they deliberately steering towards the iceberg? Do they want a war?  Is there a bigger strategy to crush that pesky little trumped up union?
It's a poisonous atmosphere to work in, every week another dart gets thrown in the CEOs photo, every week, the controllers become more unified in their objectives. Some are lining up to get back at the fool, the CEO from hell, the CEO that has to go.

ASA's Russell finds himself wedged between a government master which is unlikely to accept any pay rise for controllers beyond 6 per cent a year and a union that wants twice that amount.

6%, where did you get that from? We have it from many sources that to exceed 4% the controllers will be required to sell their conditions of employment.

But despite Russell's predicament, many believe that it is Civil Air which could come off second best if they pursue a wage claim too out of kilter with the rest of the community.

How about conditions expected in a 24/7 work environment and an adjustment back to AWOTE since 1998, assessed independently.  Bring us back to community ‘kilter’.

"Air traffic controllers have a solid claim to better conditions in these negotiations but they will risk it all if they appear too greedy," says one senior aviation insider who asked not to be named.

We hope, Mr Anonymous, you are counselling the executive of Civil Air.

"If they went on strike and brought the aviation industry to a halt because they did not receive a 30 per cent-plus pay rise they would be crucified in the court of public opinion."

Most controllers care not about public opinion, the perception is that even a fair deal will be perceived as outrageous anyway.  Look at the manner in which the employer is “leaking” media stories; it’s all about the outrageous claims and the bigger than average salaries and statistics skewed to make us out as radicals out of touch.  Controllers are beyond caring about the public court, our employer is making themselves into our enemy, for what/who’s benefit?

Cool heads will be needed on all sides of the negotiating table in the coming months if Australians are to be confident of taking to the skies this Christmas.

Again talk of Christmas, this is hype to sell your story Cameron, not reality.  

PS Kick your headline writer in the head, he deserves it.