The Big Question is:

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Controllers Sacrifice Opportunities - Again

Today Civil Air on behalf of Australia's Air Traffic Controllers ruled out industrial action prior to Christmas.

Despite the numerous certified shafting meetings delivering nothing but predicted frustrations, the controllers have chosen to do the right thing by the Australian public, again.

Controllers currently have the right to initiate a bargaining period and take legal industrial action within that bargaining period; but are doing the right thing again, despite remaining on the boards and consoles at work without a valid contract.

In 2001 controllers chose to delay industrial action due to the effects of September 11 on the industry and economy, and then subsequently delayed action again during the Ansett crisis which saw the destruction of that company.

This position was taken to assist the public and minimise the impacts that national ATC industrial action was likely to have.  The result of not taking action was an 18 month pay freeze and a conclusion which delivered a less than CPI rise.

In 2005 the controllers obtained a less than satisfactory outcome, as many unions did, to avoid the Howard workchoices reforms that would removed many options and power relating to industrial action and the ability to negotiate on an equal footing.

In 2008 there have been 15 formal negotiating meetings and from all reports we are no closer to an agreement than the first meeting.  Despite numerous attempts to get 'financials' so that modelling could occur, the net result has been:

Trust us, it costs an "Arm and a Leg".

We hate to say it, but as predicted by the shafters, all the fluffy promises have delivered less than a CPI offer again, and to get that the employer wants to take conditions of employment easily argued to be more than the value of increase on offer, generous, NOT!


Anonymous said...

I haven't met one person who would accept AsA's piss weak offer. TFN is the biggest wanker known to man kind. You know in his last appointment he destroyed Kendell Airlines. Now he is destroying Australia's ATC system. Big Tony ain't too much better believing all the spin. WAKE UP.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't 9/11 and Ansett collapse in the same week? And didn't that all occur before action was possible (much like Xmas 2008 occurs before action is possible)? From memory the impact at the time was unknown and consequently huge. The real crime was the non-rejection of the 2005 agreement having taken the earlier 18 month freeze past the prostate without so much as a wince.

Anonymous said...

Sept 11 was first event of 2001, the NE had voted to take action about 12 hours before the attack. The industrial staff were to lodge the papers on the morning of the 12th.

Ansett fell over later that week, but then was reborn during the administration time of Mark&Mark and then died again; subsequently de sailing the industrial vessel again.

I agree about the 2005 'agreement' we should have voted no and run the course; this confirmed to them that they could push us around.

4% is always on the table, without changes, to get only slightly higher than that and be expected to give up heaps of conditions is a fricken disgrace.

I'm now looking at overseas jobs, TFN you've lost me, piss off will ya.

Anonymous said...

Where are you shafters???